Meet our founder

Paola Zarate has been a certified health coach since 2015. She has dedicated her life studying philosophy, economics, business and health.

She is passionate about well-being and how to make life worth living.

Throughout her career she has learned that health is holistic and the only way to solve a problem is by focusing your energy on the root cause and finding solutions through commitment and truth.

She was an early employee of one of the most important unicorns in Latin America. This gave her the knowledge on how to create a positive impact and improve the quality of life of many human beings.

In 2021, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which had a strong impact on her life and made it daily a challenge. The path was rough but with help from doctors, psychologists, mentors, family, friends and more than a month in a psychiatric hospital, she realized that the only way to actually enjoy life is through consistent inner work, patience and scientifically proven methods.

If you want to know more about what Paola did to start living a happy and fulfilling life contact her via email or connect on linked in

Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.


What People Are Saying

Life is about the choice you make everyday, the people you choose to surround yourself with and the amount of love you give to yourself.

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